ESG information

Information disclosure

In our company's code of behavior, we are required to disclose actively information to stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, shareholders, and the local community, beyond the range stipulated by laws and regulations in an appropriate manner.
Based on this, information on allergies, preservatives, non-use of artificial colorants, and place of origin are disclosed on the labels of products.

(1) Creating and publishing a disclosure policy

Basic policy relating to disclosing information
Information is disclosed promptly according to the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Security and the Like" (hereinafter referred to as "Rules on Timely Disclosure") as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Furthermore, the Company will strive to provide all other information in a timely manner, accurately and fairly whenever they are disclosed, in order to make information available to assist decision making by customers, shareholders, investors, agencies, employees, as well as persons in society at large. Furthermore, the Company discloses information in an appropriate manner as prescribed by the laws and regulations of Japan, as well as the stipulations of stock exchanges.

Methods for disclosing information
Disclosure of information according to the stipulations of stock exchanges is provided by the "Timely Information Disclosure Network System" (known as "Timely Disclosure network" or "Tdnet"), as well as through the press and through being posted on the Website as soon as possible thereafter. Furthermore, all other information is disclosed by appropriate means, according to the nature of the information in question.
Information disclosed in accordance with this Basic Policy is intended to convey accurately, timely and fairly the information related to activities of ARIAKE JAPAN Co., Ltd., and is not intended for the purpose of attracting investment.
The above policy is published on our company website.

(2) Establishing a policy for disclosing information to stakeholders

We use our unique business model for our business activities to maximize the benefits for our shareholders as well as highly transparent management, appropriate accounting and information disclosure.
Our Administration Department is responsible for communicating with shareholders and investors.

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